Institutional Partners
ReduceRunoff.org is a project of Save the Sound, designed in collaboration with our project partners at UCONN NEMO and USGS and made possible by funding from the Connecticut Depart of Energy and Environmental Protection through the Quinnipiac River Groundwater Natural Resources Damages Fund, the Fairfield County Community Foundation, and the Greater New Haven Green Fund.

Our Mission
The mission of ReduceRunoff.org is to inform, equip, and empower people connected to the watersheds of Long Island Sound to enact solutions to stormwater runoff.
Together, we will have an impact on our rivers and Long Island Sound. Through collective action, we will reduce stormwater runoff, prevent pollution to our waterways, protect and restore water quality, and make our rivers and coastline safe for fishing, recreating, educating, and enjoying.
Equal Opportunity
Save the Sound and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection are Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employers committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact CT DEEP at (860) 418-5910 or deep.accomodations@ct.gov if you have a disability and need a communication aid or service; have limited proficiency in English and may need information in another language; or if you wish to file an ADA or Title VI discrimination complaint.