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Our Work

By engaging citizens in the environment, we cultivate lasting stewards. In this photo, Common Ground High School students and their teacher, Dave Edgeworth, survey stream conditions in the West River Watershed. 

Community Outreach

Our work would not be possible without the help of our community partners and volunteers like you. At Save the Sound, we foster opportunities for citizens to learn about the environment and create hands-on programs that educate and empower citizens to become lasting stewards. We also work closely with environmental coalitions and municipalities who want to improve water quality, and help them to develop durable solutions to pollution from stormwater runoff. 


Our outreach efforts include a range of activities, from leading workshops on residential downspout disconnection and rain garden construction with Neighborhood Housing Services and Solar Youth in New Haven, CT, to facilitating collaborative design of green infrastructure projects at Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport, CT, and working with citizens across geographic and political boundaries to develop meaningful and implementable watershed-based plans. 


Explore our pictures to learn more about our efforts in Connecticut and Western New York. 


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